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Exeter Hampton Cooperative

Affordable Living

No other housing situation offers a better and more affordable lifestyle than a manufactured housing community. And no other manufactured housing community is better at that than a resident-owned community.


Where else can a young family own a newly built, quality, 3-bedroom home for less than renting?

Where else can an older couple buy a downsized home, live out their lives in comfort, and have the kind of quality of life and security that is available in a community like this?

Where else can a person with a limited fixed income age in place in comfort with neighbors who care and look out for them? 


Security and Stability

Resident-owned communities offer security and stability like no other affordable housing situation. Apartment buildings and traditional parks can be sold. Residents have little or no say in their rents, rules, or their future. These other living situations are full of stories of individuals and families being forced out by rising rents or buildings and land being repurposed or falling into disrepair. This cannot happen in a resident-owned community. Rents do not change and money is not spent without the knowledge and consent of the residents of the community. And parks cannot be sold out from under the homeowners. 



No other living situation builds community quite the way resident-owned communities do. By their very nature, neighbors come together for meetings and social events. Folks get to know each other in ways that are not even available in most neighborhoods. Resident-owned communities are intentional about building the kind of neighborhoods where neighbors take care of neighbors. They work together for the common well-being of the group and build a network of people with common goals of safety, health, and security. 



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